Sunday, January 23, 2011

21 months

River turned 21 months on Friday!  Yikes, where has the time gone.  He is getting so big!  Every day he makes me laugh.  Me and Dusty will just sit and watch him all the time and crack up at him. 

You are starting to slim down some, but are getting a little taller.  You now hit your head when you walk under the kitchen table (we have a tall kitchen table).  You jabber and jabber and jabber all the time, just talking to yourself or talking to me or daddy.  I wish I knew what you were saying!  You are loving some "mo-mo" right now.  Nana gave you an Elmo's World movie about babies and dogs and you absolutely love it.  You have to watch every single day.  It is so cute when you sing "la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la".  It's pretty addicting, even I sing it every day!  You still like Blue, too, and every now and then you'll ask to watch it instead of Elmo. 

You love being outside, but unfortunately, it is too dang cold and moma doesn't like the cold so I don't take you out much.  Every  morning when we leave for daycare/work, you walk outside and get on your 4-wheeler and you just sit there pretend driving.  I promise once it warms up to at least 60-65, you can stay outside for as long as you want and just ride ;o) 

I love making you repeat animal sounds.  It is so funny!  You can get pretty darn loud with the horse.  And, of course, the tiger is my all time fav..."touchdown"!!  Hehe, you smart boy! 

Telling me what a horse says.

You are still in size 5 diapers.  You wear size 6 shoes and 24 months-2T clothes, but still 18-24 month pants and maybe 2T pants depending on brand. 

You still love to read books.  When we're done reading, instead of saying The End, you say bye-bye and throw is down real fast.  

I love, love, love when I ask you where something is and you shrug up your shoulders and say "don't know".  It is so cute and funny!

You can count to 10!!  I'll say 1, you'll say 2, and we'll go back and forth till we are at 10.  You smart lil guy ;o)

Mommy and Daddy love you so much River Bug!!!  You are the best thing ever and we are so thankful to have you as our son!!!!  XOXO

1 comment:

  1. Awww! This made me cry! He is most definitely a precious gift from God! I love you too River! Love & kisses from Nana!
