Sunday, January 30, 2011

Lovin' Life

Not much went on this weekend, finally! Ha.  Me and River drove all the way to the duck pond Saturday and it was PACKED!!  There was not a single parking space.  I was so mad. We ended up going to Target instead.  I was really looking forward to seeing River feeding the ducks : (  Now I'm sure we'll have to wait at least another month before the weather gets nice again.  Ugh!  I made Mexican cornbread for supper and we just hung out at the house.

Daddy and River playing

 Today, we stayed home all day.  It was nice.  I got a little cleaning done and my typing.  River had spaghettio's for supper tonite and this is how it ended...
Haha!  This is so funny.  He was mad cuz I took them away~

Then we had a bath!!

He was pooting when I was taking this pic.  Hahahaha!

These pics were taken a few days ago.  I made him a mohawk.  I gave him another one Saturday, but I didn't get any pics.  The Saturday mohawk was much cuter than this one...this was my first one to ever do.  It's still kinda cute!

He was biting me!  Lil terd!

Hope everybody has a good week!  ;o)

1 comment:

  1. Thats the vampire coming out in him! bahahah i guess u have been making him watch too much of those twilight movies! lol
