Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I finally got my internet back up and running! It's been down for over a week because the modem bit the dust! We got the new one in yesterday and Dusty got it all fixed up. Yay! Well, the Tigers won the Cotton Bowl (41-24)!! Whoo hoo! 

Love this.  He looks like a big boy!

Bath time!

Had to wear the Tiger jammies!

We had a fun weekend this past weekend.  Saturday, my moma came to get River and me, Haley, and some other bridesmaids went to try on dresses for Haley's wedding.  The dress we wanted wasn't there, but they went ahead and took our measurments.  We had lunch and drove by the reception place.  It was a fun day with the girls!  I need to get better at taking pics for the blog...oops!  That night after I picked River up from my mom's, Corey and Haley came over and we cooked chicken crossants with green beans.  Those things are sooo good!  After River went to bed we played Phase 10.  I love game nights.  We are definately going to start doing it more often!  And again...not pics : (  Sunday, me, moma, and Rhonda were gonna go to the movies, but we had freezing temperatures and it was rainy and I didn't really feel like getting out in all that mess.  Monday was a snow day, so after me and River got dressed we went outside to 'play'.  River just walked around looking.  I made him walk in the yard with me and when we got to the deep snow, he didn't really care for it much.  Ha!  We weren't out there long.  I hate being cold and he wasn't that into it so we loaded up the car and met Wendy for lunch.  After lunch, we went to BB&B.  I found a new bed spread I want.  It's chocolate brown and tan.  I think it will go good with the zebra.  When I left Wendy, me and R went by my grandma's and I left R there while I ran up to Ellis.  They had a ton of zebra stuff 1/2 off the lowest price.  What!!  Can't beat that!  So, I loaded up : )  Now, I just gotta go back and get my bed spread and my bedroom will be half way done.  I can't wait!

It was back to work/school today.  Tomorrow is supposed to be in the teens in the morning.  My crazy husband is going fishing...yeah, he's crazy!  I hope he catches some fish tho!  I'm ready for a fish fry. 

These are just some random pics I've taken of R playing....

Wearing daddy's cowboy boots.  The boy is obsessed with shoes! ha

Riding Charlie

Giddy up!

I see you!

This just makes me laugh.  He's so goofy :o)

I'm hoping this week goes by quick.  We don't have anything planned, I'm just ready to be off work for the weekend!! 

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