Sunday, April 17, 2011


Gosh, it's already the middle of April!  I have been so busy.  Every single weekend I have had something going on.  And, it looks like it is going to be that way till the end of summer!!  I've had 31 parties, birthday parties, weddings, etc going on all this month.  I did a 31 party at the beginning of April and it went very, very good!  As soon as the stuff comes in, I'm going to take pics and post. 

The next weekend we had two bday parties.  The one on Saturday was for a co-worker's little girl.  She turned 5.  On Sunday, Sarah's son Miller had his first bday party.  She did such a good job decorating!  It was a baseball theme and they had tents set up and hamburgers, hot dogs, popcorn, snow cones, sunflower seeds, you name it!  I didn't get any pics of the bday boy, but he was sure cute! 

River in the jumpy at Miller's party

This weekend, Brandy got married.  It was just a simple short and sweet ceremony.  Very nice!
Me and the Bride

The Creech's

Me and the sisters-in-law.  Levi stole the mic from the JP!! 
Kiss the bride!
Congrats Brandy and Buddy!!

Here are just a few pics taken over the past few weeks....

Konked out!

I took off work early one day to run some errands.  I went to Dillard's and found these shirts for River for next Winter.  It cost me less than $10 for all three!  Great deal!  I figured they'd be good going-to-the-lease shirts!

At Nonna's house for burgers

Sweet boy!

I heard a sucking noise on the way home.  This is what I saw when I turned around.  So gross!

He sees an airplane

Footprint plate he made at school.  So stinking cute!


First YooHoo!

These are from tonite.  Dusty went fishing today and had some left over crickets so guess who played with them!  I cannot stand a cricket!  They are so gross.  Anything with more than 4 legs is just gross!

He was trying to give it to, no thanks there bud!

This weekend is River's birthday party.  My baby will be 2 on Thursday *tear!  I'm glad I'm off work for Good Friday so I get finish all the last minute stuff!  I hope it turns out the way I'm picturing it.  I am so bad at being in such a hurry to plan stuff and go overboard, and by the time the party gets here I'm just like blah and don't wanna finish : /  I'm sure it'll be fine, tho!
I'm off to bed now.  River did not sleep at all last night!  He woke up at 11:45 and did not go back to bed until almost 3:00 a.m.  We went from my bed to his bed back to my bed, then the couch.  He was wanting to, no sir!  Finally, I woke up at 5:00 and put him back in his bed so I could get in mine.  He woke up at 8:00.  He did not take a nap today and finally fell asleep a little after 7:00.  I have been waiting for 2 years to get a pic of him falling asleep in his highchair when eating.  Well, tonite he was doing it.  It was hilarious.  But, when I got up to get my camera he woke up and started fussing.  Poo!

Another funny thing River did today - I always sing him Jesus Loves Me and You Are My Sunshine.  Today when I was trying to get him to take a nap, he was laying on my chest and I started singing Jesus Loves Me.  He popped his head up real fast and looked at me and said "Hush".  Ha!!  He kept doing it everytime I would start to sing it.  He's a mess!

Goodnite ;o)

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