Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happy Birthday River!!!

I can’t believe my baby boy is 2 years old today! These past two years have flown by. I get so emotional when I think about him growing up. But, I also think that each new stage is more fun than the one before it. I just miss my little, squishy, loveable ‘baby’!  But, that's ok, because River is still squishy and loveable.  Ha! 
Here lately, when Dusty is at work and I’m home by myself with River, I’ll go into his room and just watch him sleep and get all teary eyed. I also let him sleep in the bed with me sometimes when Dusty is gone : ) A couple of weeks ago, River work up one morning at 7:15 so I got him out of his bed and put him in the bed with me so we could go back to sleep. He slept for a few more minutes, and then he rolled over, looked at me, grinned, and then wrapped his little arm around my neck and hugged me. Oh my,!!!!! Then, he looked at me again and puckered his lips for a kiss. He really is such a sweet boy.

Here is my birth story.  I've meaning to write this down so I will always have it to remember ~
Two years ago today, Dusty and I were blessed with the most amazing gift anyone can receive. I was admitted in the hospital the night before at 10:00. I was hooked up to all the machines, given Cytotec, and told to wait till 2or 3 a.m. and then I would be given another dose of Cytotec, and at 6 or 7 a.m. I would be given Pitocin to induce labor.  The nurse came in a little bit later and told me to stay on my left side because any other way I layed made the baby’s heart rate go up. Well, I don’t know what time it was, but I just started hurting…bad, and being on my left side was getting uncomfortable. And, I kept feeling like I had to go to the bathroom, so I would get up and drag the IV pole in the bathroom with me. Dusty stayed on the couch and kept telling me to be still and just go to sleep. Ha-ha! I was telling him that I was hurting so bad and he said I haven’t even gotten to the worst part yet and that tomorrow I would feel the worst pain. We kept watching the contraction monitor and the lines would go straight up and straight down, over and over and over. Dr. Dusty said the worst contractions are when the lines go up and over for a little bit then fall back down. He “knew” this from when his sister was having her baby. (I don’t know if this makes sense or not to you, but I know what I’m talking about!!). Well little did he know!!! Anyway, I tried to be quiet so he could try to get some sleep, but I was just hurting so bad. So, I called my mom at like 2:30 a.m. or so (I don’t remember the times too well), just to talk to her. The only part of the conversation I remember is, I was having a contraction and I told her I have to go and she was like ‘do you want me to come up there’ and I was like ‘I don’t care’ and I hung up the phone. I couldn’t talk, I just wanted to scream!

Well, the nurse came in to give me my other dose of Cytotec. Dusty asked her if there was any pain medicine they could give me because I was hurting so bad. She was like "why didn't you buzz me earlier".  I had no idea I could take pain medicine. Heck, I didn’t even know I was having contractions because of what Dus told me about the monitor! Ah-hum!! The lady said yes. I told her that I kept feeling like I had to go to the bathroom and she told me DO NOT go! The baby could fall in the toilet. Ok, I swear to this day that is what she told me…if she really did or not, I have no idea. Ha! So anyway, she checked me to see how much I had dilated (I had not even begun to dilate when I was admitted) and she was like OMG! About this time my mom showed up (I think)! I was dilated to a 6 (I think) and she was going to page the anesthesiologist for my epidural. Well I swear it, the minute she walked out that door, I felt ‘something’ come out and I thought it was my baby’s head! I remember telling my mom ‘something’s coming out!!!’. I think Dusty was on the phone calling family members at this time. So, my mom ran out to tell the nurse, who hurried up and paged the doctor.

Finally, after pushing and sucking in air from the oxygen thingy and feeling like I couldn’t push anymore, River Randall was born at 3:50 a.m.!!  He was 7 pounds 6 ounces and 20 inches long.  I think was in complete shock. I had just given birth with no meds after only a few short hours of being admitted and thinking I was going to have a looooong day ahead of me being in labor. And, thank goodness the doctor only lived right behind the hospital because I think River would’ve been born without him otherwise. Everything happened sooo freaking fast! And, I would do it that way 100 more times if I could. I am so glad I wasn’t doped up on meds afterwards. But, I shook. I shook nonstop for a few hours, I couldn’t stop. It was very weird! Anyhoo, River was precious and perfect and healthy!

And, now for my griping moment – Why the nurse’s did not know I was having contractions the whole time I will never know. They have the same monitor at the nurse’s station they are supposed to be watching, but apparently weren’t. But anyway, it’s all good! And, we told the nurse’s what Dusty said about the monitor and she was like ‘um, everybody is different’! Duh!

I thank God everyday for River! And, as much as I am sad that he is growing up, I’m also excited to see the boy/man he will grow up to be. I just don’t want to rush it! And let’s hope he does not hunt/fish as much as his daddy does tho. Haha! These have been the best two years ever! River is such an easy kid. He is so laid back and easy going. Don’t get me wrong, there are moments when I want to pull my hair out, but not very often. I lucked out with this boy : ) Knock on wood, he has never really thrown a full, blown out fit!. Yes, he’ll get mad and stomp his feet and “aaant” at me, but that’s really about it. He will be whiney and want me to do things for him (like one example, if he’s in his coupe car and drops his key, he’ll fuss at me and want me to pick it up for him and when I don’t he gets mad), and that does drive me crazy sometimes. But that little boy holds the key to my heart and I love him more than anything! He is so funny and I love watching him talk to himself or sing and play. He is definitely a nut : )!

River, Moma and Daddy love you so much! You are such a happy lil’ guy and we love watching you grow and learn new things. You crack us up all the time with the things you do!  I thank God everyday for choosing us to be your moma and daddy. We couldn’t ask for anything better. Happy 2nd Birthday sweet boy!

We love you so much!!

Some River updates ~
- The other day he was saying 'ashes aw all own' and then fall to the ground.  I had no idea what he was doing.  Then it hit me, he was singing 'ashes ashes, we all fall down'!  Haha!  I didn't know he knew that song.  He wouldn't sing the 'ring around the rosy' part, he just wanted to fall down.  I got up and started doing it with him. 
- He knows all of his body party!  I was asking him last night where everything was and he pointed right to them, chin, toes, hiney, and all!
- He is starting to say more and more words.
- He LOVES being outside.  He would stay out there 24/7 if I'd let him!
- He LOVES riding the 4-wheeler!  We have a battery powered one (2 actually, one for his size and the other a little bigger, and a third one if you count Dust's real 4-wheeler).  He was on the bigger one and it has a foot pedal to make it go.  Well, he climbed up on it and he was on the side with the foot pedal.  He started going and couldn't get off and didn't know what to do.  It was so funny.  Dusty ran after him to get him off it.
- He says NO to everything!!!  Anything you ask him he'll say 'no' with a little head shake.  Me: "River, did you have a good day at school?" R: "No."  Me: "River, did you play with your friends?" R: "No."  Me: "Wanna take a bath?" R: "No".  I always tell him "say yes ma'am" and then he'll say "es am"!  Ha! 
- His favorite food is spaghetti and BBQ.
- His favorite color is green.
- He is a daddy's boy, unfortunately for moma.  Ha!  That's ok tho, we have our time when daddy is gone!!
- He loves making animal noises, and he gets sooo loud with his horse noise.  This past week, everytime we walk out the door at daycare, he instantly starts making the horse noise and it is so loud and squealy!

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