Monday, January 17, 2011

Stinky subject

Dusty went fishing today with a buddy of his and they caught A LOT of white perch!!  I have a feeling there will be a big fish fry in the near future ;o)

River had a rough weekend with dirty diapers!  First thing Saturday morning, I had him in the bathtub while I was straightening my hair.  I turned around and there it was...spreading all over.  I didn't know what to do!  River was crying, but I just kinda of scooted him back and drained the water and cleaned the mess up. gross!  So, I bathed him and got him dress and we went about our day.  Haley came over and we went to Target and and Hobby Lobby and ate lunch at this really good little place called Biscottis, I believe.  I had a shrimp poboy and it was so delish.  When we got home, I put R down for a nap and when I went to check on him, he popped his little head up and that when I saw (smelt) it!!!  Yes, more poop...everywhere!!!  Saturday night we had Bunco.  It was fun. Jeremy kept River for me, so sweet : )  Sunday morning, first thing when Dus got home from work, he went to check on R and he smelt it, again!  I was sleeping and I woke up to "Shauna, get a towel!!!"  :(  My poor lil buddy.  I called the doc and he said it was rotavirus and told me to get on the internet and look it up.  Well, I don't believe that is what it was.  R ran no fever and never vomited.  And, he acted his usual self.  I really think he is just teething.  He had one more bad diaper last night right before bedtime, but this one different than the first three.  It was still awful, but different.  And, he has had none today!! : )  But, I did get a note from his teacher saying that he didn't eat his lunch, he wasn't acting himself, and he was pulling on his ears.  Ughhhh!  But, he has been fine since we've been home.  I did make him some chicken noodle soup for supper and he ate it up!  The boy loves him some noodles.  So, that is what we have been up up poop.  I have never washed so many blankets and towels and sheets.  Ha!

So, that about sums up our weekend.  We stayed home all day Sunday and just played and watched Elmo. 

P.S.  I keep changing my blog up.  I can't find anything I like.  Maybe I should just go ahead and pay somebody to make me a cute design...we'll see!


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