Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Hoo are you?

I'm linking up again to Hoo Are You?


1. Do you pay your bills online or through snail mail?
I pay both online and through snail mail.  I need to go ahead and just start paying everything online tho!

2. How many email accounts do you have?
Only 1 ;o)

3. Do you use XM/Sirius, radio, ipod, CD, or etc.. in your vehicle?
I just listen to the plain ol radio and CD.  Nothing fancy for me ;o) 

4. What shows are sparking your interest on TV right now?
American Idol, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Teen Mom 2, Bad Girls Club (only sometimes when nothing else is on, like last night.  Ha!), One Born Every Minute (this show is so funny sometimes)

5. Name 3 things that you think of when you hear the word "GREEN"!
St. Patty's Day, trees blooming which means Spring/Summer!!!!!, the green ink pen that is sitting beside me at my desk


  1. Your very sensible just having 1 email account! I'm always getting so confused with pass words and log in details! I saw One Born Every Minute, such an emotional show!

  2. Hey there! New follower from Hoo Are You hop. Nice answers. I'm with Amanda, I wish I only had one email account lol

  3. What a great variety in shows! Thanks for linking up to Hoo are you!

  4. I can't believe you only have 1 email. That's impressive.
