Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Our Weekend

Friday night, me and my friend Haley hosted a Girl's Nite In at my house.  We had a Pure Romance party and we had a few girls over, we had pizza and some drinks, and shopped.  It was so much fun and had lots of laughs!  River Roo stayed at my mom's that night and guess what???  He slept the whole entire night without waking up.  Little toot!

Saturday, while River was still at moma's, I had to go to town to get a new swim suit for our trip (and because I have really grown out of my others...big booty girl over here!!)  I did find one that will do, but I swear, when I get back from this trip and life slows down a bit, I am hitting the gym hardcore!!  I picked up River and we went home to get daddy and hang out for an hour or so before we had to go to Papaw and Honey's house for Honey's bday.  I tried to do a little photo shoot with River and his daddy's new captain helmet, but it didn't work out too well. 

These were before we left the house

 We got to my in-law's and we ate grilled burgers and hot dogs (my fav!) and cake and ice cream.  We had a good time visiting. 

River and Levi playing.  I can't believe I actually got a decent pic of them together!

Helping Honey blow out her candles

 We left the bday party early because we had to go to Aubri's parent's house for a little celebration for the three guys that made Captain (Dusty, Bruce, and Jonathan).  They had so much yummy food there, so of course I ate again.  Ha!  After we ate, we played Botchi (sp?).  It's a fun game where you have to try to throw your ball closest to the Jack ball, and whoever gets the closest gets a point.  We stayed till about 10:30 and River was such a trooper.  He played and was so good the entire night!  And no, he did not sleep in his bed all night, but close...he woke up at 4:00 and got in the bed with us.  *sigh

Sunday was low key.  Dus had to work and me and River just stayed home most of the day until we went to Nonna's to swim.  We had a great weekend with friends and family!

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